Recently I happened to read an article in a Tamil magazine (Anada vikatan). It was the review about the film Moolaad. The film written and directed by Ousmane Sembene, Africa's most celebrated film-maker, addresses the thorny issue of female circumcision. When four young girls escape the ritual of purification, they seek refuge with an independent-minded woman, Ardo, and a battle between tradition and personal freedom is entrained. Even though its about an Islamic community, the lessons it teaches can benefit everyone.
In this patriarchial society, lots of reforms has happened, that it has now come out of the evil practices against the women. Still, the immoral thoughts and the domination on the women has not yet been rooted out. When i think back, I was quickly able to recollect few of the many ways by which males strongly dominated the female in the brahmin community.
1. Child marriage, widow marriage.
2. Restrictions during the mensturation cycle.
3. Restrictions in worshiping the Gods.
4. Illitracy.
5. Restraints to Vedas.
Fortunately, the Hindu society did not turn into a path where circumcision is done. I believe that all these practices are the results of adopting the manu smriti, which was said to be written by a fictious king Manu. The rules said to be written by him, should have originally been written by the dominant males of the society that decided to restrain the society and female under the name of God and Dharma. The formula of manu smriti could have worked well for the initial period. But as the time elapsed, the chaos begun, so is the unpredictability. The butterfly flapping its wings gave the initial breeze to the society. But the time and the underlying laws has taken this complex system to its current state of ugliness. Manu smriti was responsible for the creation of Varnas in the Hindu society. It is the evidence for the origin of male dominance in our society.
Although, it is no more a law book in India, it is still practiced in many ways in our culture. When my sister is not permitted to learn Vedas, it is the evidence. When my sister is not allowed to pray during her cycle, it is the evidence. When my brother is given the first preference to my sister, it is the inference. Dowry is an evidence. How many more do you want?, anyone can give you!!
I believe, now the change should happen at the family level, and at individual level.
Realize and react...
What you said (Changes should start from individuals) is the exact, generalized solution to the present society.